AMUF Asset Management Umbrella Fund
IISF Irish Innovation Seed Fund
B2B Business to Business
JEREMIE Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises
CEE Central and Eastern Europe
MM Mid-Market
DCFTA Deep & Comprehensive Free Trade Area Initiative East Guarantee Facility
NPIs National Promotional Institutions
EaSI Employment and Social Innovation programme
PE Private Equity
EIBG European Investment Bank Group
RCR Risk Capital Resources
EFSI European Fund for Strategic Investments
REF Romania Recovery Equity Fund of Funds
EFSI European Fund for Strategic Investments
REF Romania Recovery Equity Fund of Funds
ESG Environmental, Social, and Governance
RRPs Recovery and Resilience plans
ETCI European Tech Champions Initiative
SaaS Software as a service
FGLS Future Growth Loan Scheme
SDUF Sustainable Development Umbrella Fund
GESIP Gender-Smart Equity Investment Programme
SEGIP Slovene Equity Growth Investment Programme
GFF German Future Fund
SEK Swedish Krona
ICT information and communications technology
SOC Social Outcome Contracts
IPO Initial Public Offering
VC Venture Capital
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