Greening up
Climate change is the defining challenge of our generation, To make it to net zero and dial back emissions we need to spark transformative and innovative solutions on the one hand, and help traditional businesses shift to greening their operations on the other. A big part of our thematic focus is reflected in our efforts within the EIB Group to roll out the Climate Bank Roadmap. This year we've added infrastructure funds to our arsenal to better serve market demand and reach our climate targets. At the same time, we've continued to invest in game changers and adapters that are leading the green transition. Protecting our seas and oceans is vital in our fight against climate change. Keen to promote a sustainable blue economy, we've backed fully dedicated blue economy players and nurtured the growth of the ecosystem. Meanwhile, we've made significant progress in adapting our internal workings in order to track sustainability criteria more closely, to demand more from our partners and in general to introduce greater diligence in our investments.